Tag: patti smith

  • Lynn Goldsmith

    Lynn Goldsmith

    Lynn Goldsmith was born in Detroit, Michigan. Her mom was an interior designer and her dad was an engineer. Her older sister, Ellen Nieves, is a painter living in upstate New York city. Goldsmith stayed in Detroit until her senior high school when she relocated to Florida. She graduated from Miami Beach Senior high school then went to the University of Michigan where she finished in only three years with a double degree in English and Psychology. She was magna cum laude. She was the youngest female director ever before accepted into the Director’s Guild of America as a director. She has many awards for her photography from the Lucien Clergue to The World Press award.

    Though she has actually had numerous occupations: co-manager of Grand Funk Railway, Island Record’s recording artist Will Powers, etc she is most commonly known for her pictures of rock-and-roll most significant icons. It’s been stated that tale of rock lives in Lynn Goldsmith’s photographs. She narrated Bruce Springsteen’s passage to magnificence, the Rolling Stones’ fabulous arena trips, Michael Jackson’s spectacular ascent, and the brooding force of Bob Marley. Cultural heroes like Bob Dylan and Patti Smith became regular subjects for her lens, as she joined up with the community of artists whose tracks defined our era.

    The wide range of Lynn’s talents, skills and achievements are products of a belief she
    holds constant: Creativity is based on breaking limiting thought patterns

  • Robert Mapplethorpe

    Robert Mapplethorpe

    Robert Mapplethorpe (November 4, 1946 – March 9, 1989) was an American photographer, known for his large-scale, highly stylized black and white portraits, photos of flowers and nude men. The frank homoeroticism of some of the work of his middle period triggered a more general controversy about the public funding of artworks. Mapplethorpe worked primarily in the studio, particularly toward the end of his career. Common subjects include flowers, especially orchids and calla lilies, and celebrities, including Andy Warhol, Deborah Harry, Richard Gere, Peter Gabriel, Grace Jones, and Patti Smith.