Tag: rochester institute of technology

  • Nicholas Duers

    Nicholas Duers

    Nicholas Duers is a New York city based still-life photographer, specializing in fashion accessories,beauty products as well as luxury goods. he earned his degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology and currently operates out of his photo studio in midtown Manhattan.

    His work has been recognised by Graphis, Art Directors Club, Surface Magazine, Advertising Photographers of America, Int’l Photography Awards, Photo District News, Prix de la Photographie, Racie Awards and the London Photographic Awards, among others.

    His work is immaculate in it’s precise and creative execution.

  • Zwelethu Mthethwa

    Zwelethu Mthethwa

    Zwelethu Mthethwa (born 1960), was born in Durban, received BFA from the Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town. He received a Fulbright Scholarship that allowed him to study at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he received his master’s degree in imaging arts in 1989. Upon returning home, he worked for some years in business before becoming a lecturer on photography and drawing at the Michaelis School in 1994. He left the post in 1999 to devote himself full time to his art. Mthethwa is best known for his large-format color photographs, but also works in paint and pastel; he has had over 50 solo exhibitions in galleries around the world. Currently he lives and works in Cape Town.