Andrea Klarin

Klarin was born in Belgrade (ex-Yugoslavia) on August 15th, 1972. At the age of eighteen photography became her passion and she decided to pursue at the age of 22. She studied photography for 3 years in Brussels (Belgium) at INRACI. She now works and lives in Paris. She would describe her work as, “ theconstant need to move and evolve!”
It is a continuous search for something that is “in the air” and that reflects on the world around you. The idealization of beauty and perfection could briefly characterize her world of esthetics. She doesn’t try to represent the reality but she tries to filter it and through the imaginary worlds express various sides of elegance, chic and glitter.

CLIENTS : Valentino , Lanvin , Guerlin, Rochas, Van Cleef & A, Nike , L’Oreal…
MAGAZINES : Vogue, In Style, Harpers , Madame Figaro, Financial Times, Suday Times, ElPais…


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